Saturday, March 28, 2020

Corona Virus Pandemic Plan Summary

Have our fuel tanks full, water full and keep our gray and black tanks empty here in Florida.  We have plenty of fuel to reach Kathy’s moms house with everything and my brothers if we just take our tow vehicle and the five gallon gas can.  Our goal is to stay in the campground till the end of our sessional rate ending 1 May then head back to Wyoming for our annual checkups.

Our hope is this passes in the next few weeks and starts to return to normal.  If it lasts longer I see people starting to stay home and not go to work.  If enough stay home it will impact our power, water and sewer grids.  If we lose power and water we have fuel to run our generator for a few weeks, if we conserve and we have enough water for maybe two weeks if we conserve a whole lot, if we resupply these two we have no limits.

However if the sewers start to back up we would be forced to disconnect and move to somewhere else.  Our onboard holding tanks possibly could hold a weeks worth of waste.

Food and water we have 3 to 4 weeks at best on board, without resupply.  Let’s hope it passes soon and that the actions our President is taking contains this and is enough to keep our people working to avoid futher deterioration.  I feel all will work out it may take longer then I plan but if people continue to work all will be well.

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