Friday, March 2, 2018

Happy March

Happy March 2018

Was watching a YouTube and saw a big No-No.  A husband and wife were on a hike and the wife was not going as fast as the husband wanted to so he went a head and waited back at the car.  A big rule in hiking is to go the speed of the slowest hiker as well as keep everyone in site.

From the Utah Division of Wildlife

Playing in cougar country

If you recreate in cougar country, here are a few guidelines to make your experience safer:
  • Hike with other people and make noise. Cougars usually will not bother groups of people.
  • Keep a clean camp and store food and garbage in your vehicle or hang it between two trees where cougars (and bears) cannot reach it.
  • When hiking with small children, keep the children in the group or in sight ahead of the group. Remember, cougars ambush from behind, so keeping a child in front of the main group will lessen the possibility of attack.
  • Keep away from dead animals, especially deer or elk. This could be a kill that a cougar is guarding or will be returning to. A cougar will defend its food.
  • If hiking with pets, keep them close to the group. Roaming pets will be open to cougar attacks or could irritate a cougar that is trying to avoid the group.
 U.S. National Forest Hiking Rules  Only a part

  • Stay on marked trails.
  • Don’t hike alone. Let the slowest person in your party set the pace. This is especially important when children are a part of your group.
  • Leave your itinerary with a friend or family member and check in with them upon your return.
It only takes one slip, fall or taking the wrong trail fork to change a simple walk into a real emergency so please make sure you always stay together while hiking.

Here is a link on attacks

Here is on on rattle snake attacks

Here is a list of bear attacks

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