Friday, August 26, 2016

Extra Storage and Counter Space in our Class C

Extra storage in the overhead has added storage and counter space for two in our Class C.  I clamped plywood over the three windows in the overhead and with the mattress folded up I added six storage bins and four small file drawers.  All files are secured by straps and totes are behind a wooden rail so they will not fall down.

When parked for more then a couple days I have fixed two shelves to fit between the files and adds about eight square feed of extra counter space.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Gen Smoke Stack

Generator smoke stack has been working well for the summer.  I have had no alarms since using it and it only takes five minutes to set up.  I only had to clamp a small supplied extension on my generator exhaust to make the connection.  Works with the slide in or out.

Friday, August 12, 2016

RV Oven Working Well

Our RV oven is working great since we added a pizza baking stone to it.  We have now baked several different things with even cooking, sorry it took so long to try.  As you can see I eat one already:)