Friday, November 18, 2022

Back Up

Moms and their caves laying down and our camp set back up with our rental car while our truck is in the shop.

 Back up after the storm and enjoying the cooler air. 

Monday, November 14, 2022

Off for morning walk

 Off on my morning walk at 5am early November in Wildwood Florida.  You can see my 20 Meter diepole mini hamstick antenna up the back of our RV and my 10 meter inverted V next to our orange canopy.  I recently made a radio contact on 10 meters to Spain.

Campsites always look different before dawn and I like it.😎

Friday, November 11, 2022

A Good Day for Radio


Above the view of our campsite on a corner lot.  Below a view from our site.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Getting ready for a hurricane

Above some wind and steady rain hurricane is now a tropical storm.
Below is campsite all set up.
Below all put away for storm.
Below topping off my Jackery invade of power outage.

 Even though we are about 40 miles from the Gulf we’ll get two days of heavy rain and winds up to 55 mph.  Many have left the campgrounds, we have had winds over 70 mph in Wyoming camping so we are hopeful we’ll be fine.  This is my first hurricane Kathy has been through several over the years before we found each other.

I found it interesting prepping for the storm.  We were given checklists on how to prepare and I followed it. Now I am finishing up charging our batteries.  I also have 400 watts solar on the roof and 170 watts portable, plus a 3500 watt generator in the bed of our pickup.

The hurricane comes ashore on the 10th of November 2022.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Florida 😎👍

 Setting up in Florida for a while.  Good time for us to rest and see family and friends.

Below we have cows in our neighbors pasture and occasionally some pigs and turkeys.