Sunday, August 28, 2022

Jackery + Solar+ Charger + Battery

 Solar through my little Jackery works great for small projects. On a cloudy day my small SLA battery for my radio is pulling 30-35 watts through the charger.  My 50 watt solar panel is giving 8 - 45 watts to my Jackery 290.

The sky goes from cloudy to partly cloudy today, not the best or worse day for solar
Here is an overall view of my charging setup today.

My little Jackery works great with my 50 watt solar.  I also have 400 watts on my Rv roof and a 120 watt portable solar panel when needed as well.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Dehydration to save weight

 Vacuum sealing in jars with our manual vacuum.

Below you see the kit and a sealed jar it works great.
Below is the box the kit came in I bought off Amazon.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Load up

 Starting to load up for our trip down south.  Will load 25 gallons of diesel (about 200 miles added range). Along with 5 gallons of extra gas for our generator so we have over 24 hour’s run time under load.  Also 7 to 14 gallons of water and some other equipment.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Jackery August update

 A class A disel started up next to me and it was a great example of RF interference my 40 meter SWR went from 1.5 steady to bouncing between 1.3 and 2.0.  I know all disel RV’s do not put off a lot of RF but this one did.