Monday, March 28, 2022

Tearing Down

 Tearing down and moving to western Florida.  Three more weeks in Florida then off to Texas.

Above almost ready for hooking up, below a night view.
Set up with Orange Canopy and GMRS & HAM radio antennas.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Biweekly generator run

 I try to run my backup generator at least once a week but at a minimum biweekly’s if I do not it can become hard to start.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Joined the YL System

 I have been having fun searching out radio nets on HF. As solar activity has been increasing so have my rate of contacts.  My primary antenna is a dipole made of two 20 meter mini ham sticks up 25 feet on a painters pole. I also use a 40 meter hamstick on a 12 foot painters pole with two radils and a 10 meter on a nag mount.

I also have a GMRS antenna up about 14 feet with two short radils.