Sunday, March 7, 2021

Adding two more bands

 Adding two more bands to my contact list 17 and 15 meters.  So far this year two firsts ! I have now made contacts on 15 and 17 meters.  I now have contacts on 11 meters (CB), 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 2 meters (HAM) and 70 cm (HAM UHF) Have not made a contact on GMRS UHF yet.

Antennas used are Ham Sticks, inverted V’s, Workman Saturn 100 (15 meters).

Monday, March 1, 2021

Griddled Steaks


Our norcold refrigerated went out told it can only be pulled out in a shop so we will schedule for mid April back in Wyoming.  So we will be eating up our ref an using coolers like we did growing up😎