Wednesday, December 23, 2020

23 December

 Had an early get together with a few family members and played with my endfed antenna.  Made contact on 20 to Edmond Ok from Orange Park Fl.  I have several contacts on 80, 40, 20, 17 and 2 meters. Will focus now on 15, 12, 11(cb) and 10 now and the gulf nations as well as a contact to Wyoming from Florida.  As solar activity picks up conditions should allow it soon on my 20 wat rig.

Merry Christmas to all🤓

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Thanksgiving has passed

 We now prepare for Christmas 🤓

Our tree on the table.
One of my Ham antennas over our fifth wheel.

Set up for the winter.
Putting up a third antenna.  Planning many adventures with my bride of nearly fourty years.