Friday, January 31, 2020

Friday, January 24, 2020

My portable HF outfit

This field bag that I picked up at Walmart holds all I need to put my inverted V up a tree and be operating on 20 meters, I also have additional wire to make it into a 40 meter.

 Above shows my set up in camp where I use a ham stick they do not like antennas put up in their trees so no inverted V.   Below are my operational components I did not layout extra parts, para cord etc.  I leave the inverted V in the bag so I always have an antenna with me.  I normally leave my 20 & 40 meter ham sticks up on my roof ladder at the camp ground.  I/we drive our tow vehicle for area outings.  The white and red jump start batteries let me operate for about 3 plus hours but I can recharge one while using the other.  I can charge off solar, car battery or AC power.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Inverted 20 meter V up a tree 30 feet

Inverted V for 20 meters up a tree 30 feet has a range so far up to 3000 miles.

 Above is a range map to one of the furthest contacts on the V.  Below is a poor photo of the V deployed in a backyard in a tree.  You can just make out the wires and the coax to the tree.  I made the V for under fifty dollars.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Ham Sticks for my radio

You can see my two ham sticks going up my ladder, 20 meter on the right and 40 on the left. The 40 is shorter right now because I am still working on tuning it.  While my inverted V dipole let’s me reach 3000 plus miles, I have only reached a little over 1300 with the 20 meter ham stick to date.
Finally a full back shot of our site at 7:30 am.  Some parks frown on big radio antennas so I will try to keep mine on the small side (ham sticks).

Friday, January 3, 2020

Longest HAM Contact To Date

Longest contact to date 2947 miles Orange Park Florida to Portland Oregon on 20 meters.  I have also had contact with the country of Panama as well as Long Island New York.

Contact to Oregon was before noon on the 27th.  On an inverted V dipole with the peak up 30 feet at 20 watts with myXiegu G90.  I have been using a 8000 mili amp car charging battery.  I now also have 2 20000 mili amp batteries as well. Which I can charge on solar, auto data port or a wall socket.
Here is a photo of my inverted V it maybe hard to see.